Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
April 2–4, 2019
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Thursday, April 4 • 2:00pm - 2:30pm
Accessing Cloud Foundry Marketplace from your Kubernetes Cluster - Dr Nic Williams, Stark & Wayne

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As a developer using Cloud Foundry there can still be some unique benefits found in a nearby Kubernetes cluster. Whilst losing some platform features associated with “cf push”, using Kubernetes also loses some platform constraints that enforced good behavior and separation of concerns within Cloud Foundry. Cloud Foundry users never ran their own MySQL server without any backups or recovery plans; but Kubernetes users can do this with “helm install stable/mysql”. I implore all Kubernetes users who have access to Cloud Foundry to continue using their Cloud Foundry marketplace for production-grade, professionally-managed services.

In this talk, we introduce the Kubernetes Service Catalog, the Open Service Broker API, and a special new service broker that bridges a CF user’s marketplace access into their own Kubernetes cluster.

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Dr Nic Williams

CEO, Stark & Wayne
User and evangelist of Cloud Foundry, Kubernetes, Concourse CI, and BOSH. Author of books Concourse Tutorial and Ultimate Guide to BOSH. Awarded Cloud Foundry Champion 2018. CEO of Stark & Wayne.

Thursday April 4, 2019 2:00pm - 2:30pm EDT
Room 122B